Once Upon a Time: Fun with Fairy Tales
One day, she met a great wizard who needed her help. She gave him a [...]
Team-Building Activities for Middle School
The Importance of Team-Building for Students Collaboration and cooperation are the key components of teamwork. [...]
Improving Online Breakout Room By Collaborative Documents
During a recent online class, a student posted in the chat, “We should use breakout [...]
The Last Class Session: How to Make It Count
“First and last class sessions are the bookends that hold a course together.” I heard [...]
Practical Tips for Cultivating a Learning Relationship with Students
Take a moment right now to ask yourself who your best teachers were growing up. [...]
Improve Reading Comprehension for Intermediate ESL
Regardless of the material (news articles, fictional stories, blog posts, etc.), ESL reading comprehension can [...]
Time to Tune In: 7 Simple Ways to Use Music in Your ESL Classroom
7 Simple Ways to Use Music in Your ESL Classroom Test Ambiance Did you know [...]
Teaching at primary level can cause many teachers, particularly those who have trained to teach [...]
Classroom games are an essential part of the ESL classroom. You can engage students by [...]
How to maximise the language learning of senior learners
There are many benefits of studying for older learners, such as increased self-confidence, increased feelings [...]
Stop Giving Them Answers: Make Them Think!
Higher education has recently changed in faster and more dynamic ways than anticipated. COVID-19 is [...]
How To Use Printable Flashcards For Teaching ESL
Flashcards can be an excellent learning and teaching tool especially when introducing new vocabulary or [...]